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A study of the meaning of Christian Worship

In Radical Worship the reader will learn that the foundation of all our lives is the worship of God. The author reclaims the biblical meaning of worship, stepping away from the popular meanings used today. He discusses the direct relationship between submitting to God and the re-creation of who we are in Christ. He focuses on the words that are translated worship in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Additionally, the significance of worship is examined through Jesus' responses to the question, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” The author critiques some of the narrowness of formulaic Christianity and unfolds some of the many expressions of worship that Jesus explicitly affirms.

The extensive study guide, included in the book and available for download on this site, will greatly facilitate the reader to put what is learned into practice in their lives. This book is good for both individual and group reading and discussion.

About the author
Larry on the radio
Adoration PublishingAdoration Publishing